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Scott Kirk President of Dynamic Church Planting International DCPI

Scott Kirk


Scott serves as the President of DCPI, leading the DCPI team toward the fulfillment of our vision of equipping leaders to plant five million dynamic churches to reach the world for Christ. Managing the Central staff team leaders and the training team staff, Scott is helping to create a mentoring culture that will empower indigenous leaders to plant churches and launch church planting movements all over the world.

Executive Team

Amy Bayer Chief Experience Officer of Dynamic Church Planting International DCPI

Amy Bayer

Chief Experience Officer

Amy serves as the Chief Experience Officer, where she oversees Operations, Marketing, and Technology, supporting the internal components of the org. She is passionate about improving the user experience for all of DCPI's trainees, trainers, world zone leaders, donors, & missionaries!

Kathy Becker Vice Prresident  of Dynamic Church Planting International DCPI

Cathy Becker

Vice President of Advancement

Cathy serves as the Vice President of Advancement, where she helps make strategic decisions, builds relationships with DCPI's donor partners, and raises funds to advance the mission of DCPI. Cathy is passionate about funding the planting of millions of churches to win the world for Christ!

Kevin Marsico Chief of Global Ministry  of Dynamic Church Planting International DCPI

Kevin Marsico

Chief of Global Ministry

Kevin serves as the Chief of Global Ministry where he oversees training, global leadership, and DCPI curriculum & translations. Kevin is passionate about mentoring and developing high-level church planting movement leaders to accelerate church planting movements worldwide.

Free Grafton Vice President of Systems and Engineering

Free Grafton

Vice President of Systems & Engineering

Free serves as the Vice President of Systems & Engineering, where he oversees the strategic direction and implementation of DCPI’s tech. Free is passionate about developing innovative solutions that support Global Leadership and Advancement to become maximally effective and efficient, as we work toward the 5 Million Church Vision.

Eric Helmbold Vice President of Global Leadership  of Dynamic Church Planting International DCPI

Eric Helmbold

Vice President of Global Leadership

Eric serves as the Vice President of Global Leadership, where he works closely with DCPI World Zone Leaders to accelerate training throughout the world toward God’s Five Million Church Vision. Eric is passionate that the most effective evangelistic strategy under heaven is church planting.

Chris McKinney Vice President of Operations  of Dynamic Church Planting International DCPI

Chris McKinney

Vice President of Operations

Chris serves as the Vice President of Operations, where he leads the teams that provide administrative and logistical support to all DCPI staff and volunteers. Chris oversees the Central office, the Finance team, the Human Resources team, and the Ministry Partner Development team.

World Zone Leaders

John Bond Global Ambassador  of Dynamic Church Planting International DCPI

John Bond

Global Ambassador

John serves as the Global Ambassador, shepherding the DCPI World Zone Leaders. He serves to provide leadership, encouragement, and strategy to accelerate the DCPI movement forward in every region of the world.

Daron Crothers World Zone Leader for Asia  of Dynamic Church Planting International DCPI

Daron Crothers

World Zone Leader for Asia (Southeast, South Pacific)

Daron serves as the World Zone Leader for Southeast and South Pacific Asia where he networks and coordinates to provide effective church planting training for thousands of leaders throughout the region.

Emmanuel Donkoh World Zone Leader for West Africa  of Dynamic Church Planting International DCPI

Emmanuel Donkoh

World Zone Leader for Africa-West

Emmanuel Donkoh serves as the World Zone Leader in West Africa where he networks and coordinates to provide effective church planting training for thousands of leaders throughout the region.

Lance and Janice Fricke World Zone Leaders for North America  of Dynamic Church Planting International DCPI

Lance and Janice Fricke

World Zone Leaders for North America

Lance and Janice serve as the World Zone Leaders for North America where they network and coordinate to provide effective church planting training for thousands of leaders throughout the region.

Francis Kamau World Zone Leader for East and South Africa

Francis Kamau

World Zone Leader for Africa-East & South

Francis serves as the World Zone Leader for Africa-East & South where he networks and coordinates to provide effective church planting training for thousands of leaders throughout the region.

World Zone Leader for North Africa and NAMES  of Dynamic Church Planting International DCPI

Rev. Scott Last

World Zone Leader, Central Asia & Gulf States

Scott coordinates training, as well as the “pioneering” efforts we are making in Central Asia & the Gulf States. He also serves as our resident International Pastor and Worship Leader.

Bjorn Lutke World Zone Leader for Europe  of Dynamic Church Planting International DCPI

Björn Lütke

World Zone Leader for Euro-Mediterranean

Björn serves as the World Zone Leader for Euro-Mediterranean, where he networks and coordinates to provide effective church planting training for thousands of leaders throughout the region.

Ramon Mendoza World Zone Leader for Latin America  of Dynamic Church Planting International DCPI

Ramón Mendoza

World Zone Leader for Latin America

Ramon Mendoza serves as the World Zone Leader in Latin America where he networks and coordinates to provide effective church planting training for thousands of leaders throughout the region.

DCPI Central Team

A portrait of a man with a neatly trimmed beard and short hair, wearing a dark blue suit, white shirt, and patterned tie. He is smiling slightly and looking directly at the camera. The background is blurred, showing an outdoor setting with muted colors, possibly a park or garden area.

Brandon Becker

Special Assignment

Brandon is on a Special Assignment with our partner organization, Joshua Nations. He will be conducting a partnership intensive to ensure we establish a strong partnership with them in their Bible Colleges across Africa.

A portrait of a man with short, light brown hair and a serious expression, standing outdoors on a beach. He is wearing a dark blue athletic shirt with lighter blue accents. The ocean waves and cloudy sky form the background, giving a sense of a windy, overcast day at the beach.

Bill Cosgrove

Director of Acceleration

Bill serves as the Director of Acceleration, where he works closely with the World Zone Leader of Central Asia & the Gulf States to coach/shepherd/train/mentor leaders in these countries through in person training as well as DCPI Online Training.

A man with gray hair and a beard is smiling at the camera. He is wearing glasses and a striped button-up shirt. The background features a clear blue sky and a grassy outdoor area with trees, suggesting a pleasant, sunny day. His expression is warm and friendly.

Jay Devers

Director of Special Projects

Jay grew up following his family around the globe. As he came to faith, it was evident cross-cultural work was for him. Now, 30+ years later, he is still loving the Lord and the work He has called all followers to: inviting all peoples into His glorious kingdom.

A portrait of a smiling bald man with a goatee, wearing a beige suit jacket over a black turtleneck sweater. He has a warm and friendly expression, with a light background that emphasizes his professional appearance.

Sam Douglass

Director of Unreached, Unengaged People Groups

Sam is a “cutting edge” thinker and strategist that helps DCPI penetrate darkness by going to the hard places and identifying people groups that are receptive to the gospel and church planting. He is a networker who knows how to connect people and existing groups with those who are unreached and new to Christianity.

A portrait of a smiling man with short gray hair, wearing a blue checkered shirt under a dark blazer. He has a friendly and approachable expression, with a blurred background that suggests a professional setting.

Jim Duggan

Partnership Ambassador & Pastor Sponsorship

Jim joins DCPI from a sales management career focused on success through collaboration. He also has a passion for workplace ministry and collaborative lay ministry including Bible Study groups, short-term missions trips, church missions team, children’s and men’s ministries, crisis pregnancy and orphan/vulnerable children.

A portrait of a woman with long, light blonde hair, smiling warmly. She is wearing a purple top and a gold chain necklace, standing outdoors with green foliage in the background, creating a natural and serene atmosphere.

Iva Foster

Director of Accounting

Iva has been with DCPI since July 2010. She works in the Operations Department handling all financial aspects for the organization. She is a servant who is gifted in administration which enables her to support the staff while they focus on their responsibilities.

A portrait of an older man with short gray hair, smiling gently. He is wearing a beige blazer over a dark-colored shirt. The background features horizontal blinds with light filtering through, giving a soft, natural light to the scene.

Steve Goldberg

Translations and Materials Facilitator

Steve serves on the translation team coordinating the translation of our church planting materials into heart languages spoken throughout the entire world.

A portrait of a young woman with straight black hair pulled back, smiling softly at the camera. She is wearing a black hoodie, and the background is a plain beige or tan wall, giving a warm and neutral backdrop to the image.

Lauren Hansen

Office Administrator & Executive Assistant

Lauren serves as our Office Administrator & Executive Assistant, as well as our Central Asia & Gulf States Administrator. She works closely with our DCPI staff to ensure they have a proper and effective working environment, and helps problem solve issues as they arise.

A portrait of a man with a bald head and a full gray beard, smiling broadly at the camera. He is wearing glasses and a light blue polo shirt. The background is outdoors, with green foliage providing a natural and vibrant backdrop.

Ollis J. Mozon Jr.

Director of Human Resources & Director of Orality Training

For Ollis (OJ), Human Resources means prayerfully getting the right persons on our team and preparing them to go to the right places globally at the right time. He creatively reformats our written training materials using oral Bible storytelling techniques and discussions to present the church planting guidance to oral learners.

A portrait of a man with a bald head and a full gray beard, smiling broadly at the camera. He is wearing glasses and a light blue polo shirt. The background is outdoors, with green foliage providing a natural and vibrant backdrop.

Gerry Schmidt

Director of Prayer

Gerry is the Director of Prayer for DCPI, where he leads people into the throne room of God to intercede on behalf of DCPI, church planting, the Great Commission, and multiplication of churches worldwide.

A woman with long brown hair, wearing a purple sweater, sits on a couch in a cozy living room. She is smiling softly at the camera. Behind her, there is a staircase and a patterned cushion, adding warmth and comfort to the scene.

Crista Smith

Finance Coordinator

Crista uses her attention to detail and conscientious nature to serve DCPI’s financial management of the mission. She loves to support the overall mission and encourage DCPI’s missionaries to help leaders plant new churches all over the world.

A man with a full beard and glasses, wearing a blue hoodie, stands outdoors with greenery in the background. He has a thoughtful expression on his face as he looks slightly downward.

Matt Tumas

Director of Training

Matt serves as the Director of Training, where he works closely with international leaders to accelerate church planting movements worldwide.

A man with a full beard and glasses, wearing a blue hoodie, stands outdoors with greenery in the background. He has a thoughtful expression on his face as he looks slightly downward.

Aaron Wolfe

Director of Materials & Translations

Aaron leads the translations department, coordinating the translation of our church planting materials in languages spoken throughout the entire world. He also works in the materials department editing and formatting the materials before they are released.

Global Team

A man with curly hair and a short beard, wearing a dark t-shirt, stands on a beach at sunset. The sun is low in the sky, casting a warm glow over the sand and ocean in the background. The man looks directly at the camera with a calm expression.

Steve Barrett

Training Coordinator for Japan

Steve leads DCPI’s strategic efforts to equip church planters to plant dynamic churches in Japan.

A man with short hair and a slight mustache, wearing a blue t-shirt, stands in front of a brick wall. He is smiling gently and looking directly at the camera. The brick wall in the background is slightly blurred, drawing focus to the man's face.

James Kalikwembe

Director of Central African Region

James networks and coordinates with national leaders for effective DCPI ministry in the region[Malawi, Madagascar and Mozambique]. He is passionate to see thousands of leaders trained and national church planting movements ignited to saturate the region with bible teaching and Christ-centered churches to fulfill the Great Commission.

A young woman with long, straight hair that transitions from dark to light near the ends is standing in front of a lush green ivy-covered wall. She is wearing a light-colored sweater and small earrings, smiling warmly at the camera. The green leaves in the background create a natural and vibrant setting.

Laura Labråten

NexGen Team Leader for Europe & Global NexGen Operations Coordinator

Laura serves as a team leader of DCPI NexGen in Europe and oversees the operations of NexGen around the world. She studied International Relations in Mexico. Her biggest passion is to train and inspire, equip and mobilize the next generation of leaders to embrace church planting and reach the world for Christ.

A man with a closely shaved head and a full beard is smiling at the camera. He is wearing a dark denim jacket over a black shirt. The background is plain and neutral, allowing the focus to be on his face and expression. He exudes warmth and friendliness with his broad smile.

Otoniel Mendoza Jimenez

Director of Training and Digital Strategies, DCPI Latin America

Otoniel serves as Director of Training and Digital Strategies at DCPI Latin America. He organizes and plans church planting trainings with the entire team in the region, and at the same time generates creative and digital projects for Latin America within the vision of training leaders to plant churches in every corner of the region.

A man with short, dark hair is smiling at the camera. He is wearing a blue denim shirt and is standing indoors, with a framed picture visible on the wall behind him. His expression is friendly and approachable, giving off a warm and welcoming vibe.

Victor Pulido

Hispanic Training Coordinator for North America

Victor enjoys developing different ministries within the church: Teaching, Leadership Development, and Pastoral Ministries to name a few. He enjoys connecting with ministry workers and creating relationships networking across the United States and Latin America, focusing on the Multiplication and Church Development to reach all communities through DCPI for Jesus.

A woman with long, reddish-blonde hair is smiling at the camera. She is wearing a dark green top and standing outdoors with greenery in the background. Her expression is friendly and cheerful, conveying a warm and approachable demeanor.

Stephany West

Director of Partnership for Europe

Stephany was born and raised in Texas. She has a B.A. in Economics and minors in European History and Business. She directs Partnership Development for our European World Zone.

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