At Dynamic Church Planting International, we believe the most effective people to send are those who are from the same or similar cultures/contexts as those we are trying to reach. Will you help us train national leaders to plant dynamic churches in places we may never go, in languages we will never speak?

Support Our Work

Your generous donation to DCPI allows us to provide resources for trainings happening all the time, all over the world!  When you give to our work, you are joining God in completing the Great Commission!

Support a Team Member

When you partner financially with a DCPI team member, you are funding their position, so they, together with our team, can continue reaching the world for Jesus! Our team at DCPI is funded by the generous donations of ministry partners like you! View our team.

Sponsor Pastors

Pay for DCPI pastors to attend DCPI training. For $30/month, you can pay for one pastor each month to attend DCPI training. Every year, people stand waiting to be trained. Help us train all of them by becoming a DCPI Pastor Sponsor. 

Donate Stock

Multiply the impact of your investments by donating stock to Dynamic Church Planting International through StockDonator. Every dollar given goes to advancing our ministry worldwide, so we can train more church planters and plant more churches!



For $30/month you can sponsor one pastor each month to go through DCPI training. Every year, you can be a part of equipping 12 pastors to go places you may never go, to reach people who speak languages you will probably never speak. When you become a DCPI Pastor Sponsor, you get to participate in the joy of the Great Commission from right where you are!

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Why Church Planting?

Every new churches brings an average of 40 new believers to Jesus! Jesus commanded his disciples to make disciples, to baptize them, and to teach them. Discipleship is essential to the Christian walk. Churches are the bringers God’s Word, the initiators of discipleship, the centers for fellowship, and the light-bringers in their communities. We all need the Church!

Why Train Leaders?

Each church planter we train plants an average of 2.55 churches. These are men and women called by God to go into the harvest field in places where we will never go. When we train them, they multiply the reach of the Gospel, and we get to be a part of it! Some people are called to go. Some people are called to send. Will you help us send more leaders into this world?

Why is the Training Free?

God told us to train leaders for free, so that more people can be equipped and more churches can be planted. That’s why we never charge leaders to go through our training. God uses the generous gifts of people like you to train leaders to reach the world for Jesus.

Play Video about dcpi impact global church planting training

How DCPI Multiplies Worldwide

We invite godly leaders around the world to think bigger about what God wants to do to expand His Church. When you give to DCPI, you aren’t just funding the training of one leader, you are providing the tools and inspiration for men and women of God to step out in faith. Many of them don’t just plant one church. They plant multiple churches and train other leaders to plant multiple churches, so the growth expands exponentially. God is at work, and we invite you to be a part of the joy!

So far, we’ve SEEN…

Leaders Trained
Languages Available
Churches Planted

The Vision: 5 Million Churches

To date, DCPI has trained leaders to plant over ONE MILLION CHURCHES! But our job is far from finished. God has given us a vision to train leaders to plant five million churches and to train leaders in every country of the world. 

Would you help us bring training to more people, so we can reach the world for Jesus?

On July 11, 2009, DCPI President & Founder, Paul Becker was on a prayer retreat overlooking the Pacific Ocean, asking the Lord, “Lord, do you want leaders who have been trained by DCPI to plant more than one million churches?” and the Lord said, “Increase the vision to 5 million.

And Paul said, “Really, Lord, do you really want us to increase the vision to 5 million?”

And the Lord said, “It’s already on the projection.”

Paul hid that vision in his heart and didn’t tell anyone, and in the next two weeks, three separate people on three different continents all shared a confirmation of the Five Million Church Vision…

Each of them said something like, “Paul, your vision is too small, and we think DCPI leaders are going to plant more like five million churches.”

So we are following God’s lead.

We can’t wait to see how God fulfills this vision to raise up leaders and plant churches for our children, grandchildren, and the billions of people around the world who need Jesus.

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“DCPI has captured the absolute urgency of planting churches and has a powerful, proven strategy. They focus on the mobilization of nationals, by far the best of all methods. I’ve seen the results and heartily endorse the work of DCPI.”

Paul Eshelman

Founder of the Jesus Film Project
and lifetime DCPI Board Member