September Fireside Chat
FSC 2020-09 blog

YouTube video

Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ! 

Today, I want to share with you a story from our partners in India about how God is bringing good out of bad, as He builds His church.

Deep in the forest between India and Bangladesh is a large group of women whose husbands have been killed by Bengal tigers. These 3,000 so-called “tiger widows” in India are often left without provision when their husbands pass away.

Our leaders in India have planted two churches in Bengal, which welcome over 80 “tiger widows!” Over the past few years, they have shared the love of Jesus with these widows and trained them in skills to become financially self-supporting! These women’s lives have been changed for the good, both in this present life and in eternity! The Church is the hands and feet of Jesus to serve our hurting world!

Sadly, 30% of the Indian population still hasn’t heard about Jesus. Our partners in India are working tirelessly to change that! Their vision is to see 10,000 churches send 10,000 leaders to plant 10,000 new churches in the next year and a half! Wow! 

Even in the face of persecution, these leaders are stepping forward because they believe that Jesus has overcome the world and the gates of hell won’t prevail against His church! 

We are still here equipping, encouraging, and supporting these national leaders! Lost and hurting people still need Him, and we are still ON-MISSION to continue equipping leaders to plant 5 million churches worldwide. We are still on-mission to provide training to every country on earth. We are still on mission because we believe God is still on mission to reach the lost in every corner of the world! 

Would you join us on mission?


Paul Becker