Bald middle-aged man with a goatee, wearing a beige suit jacket over a black shirt, smiling warmly against a plain white background.

Director of Unreached Unengaged People Groups and New Countries

Sam Douglass

Sam is a thinker and strategist that helps DCPI penetrate darkness by going to the hard places and identifying people groups that are receptive to the gospel and church planting.

He is a networker who knows how to connect people and existing groups with those who are unreached and new to Christianity.

In a real sense, he will serve as a “global connector” who will connect existing congregations/denominations/networks with newly identified unreached and unengaged people groups to further the gospel and bring light to the darkest and difficult to reach areas of the world.

How did God call you to DCPI?

“As the Founder and Head Coach of ‘Just Coach Me’, I attended the Expo 2006 Conference for Church Planters in Orlando, Florida. While there, I attended a pre-conference training session entitled ‘Mother – Daughter Church Planting’ led by Dr. Mark Williams, V.P of DCPI and Kevin Marsico, Master Trainer for DCPI.

I was immediately captured by the vision of DCPI and was impressed by the curriculum which I sensed was anointed by God. Over dinner that night with the two trainers, I shared my Life Objective and our spirits bore witness with each other’s spirit, and they said, ‘You have to meet Dr. Paul Becker, our President’.

Two weeks later, I flew to Oceanside, CA and met Dr. Becker and the Executive Team, and after much prayer, they sensed God’s leading in asking me to join the team as the North American World Zone Leader. I, too, sensing the lead of the Holy Spirit, agreed and have served in that role until March 2015 when I resigned to take the new position of Director of Unreached Unengaged People Groups and New Countries.”

What is your personal vision statement or life scripture?

Vision Statement and Life Verses: “To know, love, and glorify God and be used of God in raising up qualified laborers in significant numbers, as fast as possible, to fulfill the Great Commission so every tribe, nation, and people group can know Him as personal Lord and Savior for all eternity.”

  • To Know God � I Corinthians 1:9

  • To love God � Matthew 22:24-40

  • To glorify God � Isaiah 43:7

  • To raise up � Matthew 9:36-38

  • Qualified laborers � 2 Timothy 2:2

  • In significant numbers as fast as possible � Ephesians 5:15-17

  • To help fulfill the Great Commission � Matthew 28:19-20

  • So every tribe, nation, and people group can know Him eternally � Revelation 7: 9-10

Visual Picture: “On the last day of my life, I want to touch a globe and have someone in every country of the world that I have directly impacted, who is carrying out the Great Commission.”

What excites you about what God is doing around the world?

What excites me the most is that God is opening doors that have never been open before, and there is a fresh receptivity to the gospel due to the fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit in areas of the world that have been previously closed, antagonistic, and hardened towards the gospel of Jesus Christ. It is an exciting day to be alive and to be a part of a God-sized vision to plant 5,000,000 dynamic churches by 2050.

What miracles have you seen God perform?

“One of the miracles I have witnessed is the breaking down of “turfism.” In the 21st century, we are experiencing a movement of the Holy Spirit that is transcending minor differences among believers. Evangelicals are focusing more on the core doctrines of the faith and are no longer getting caught up in minor disagreements. This unity across old divisions is truly a modern-day miracle, as believers are working together across previously drawn lines in the sand.

Most influential books or movies:

  • The Scofield Reference Bible with all of the notes, which has served as my primary guide for life.

  • “Daws,” the biography of Dawson Trotman, founder of the Navigators.

  • “EE-Taow: The Mouk Story” from New Tribes Mission, which tells the story of a tribe in Papua New Guinea that heard the gospel for the first time.

  • “Transformations: The Documentary” hosted by George Otis, showcasing entire communities thFormat have been transformed under the power of the gospel.

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