Reaching the Muslim World

“The NAMES world zone is in chaos.”

This was a statement recently shared by Scott, DCPI’s world zone representative for North African, Middle East, and Stan countries (what we call  “NAMES” at DCPI), during a staff prayer meeting. Scott believes that  politically, religiously, and economically, the people and communities within the NAMES world zone are experiencing extreme hardship.

However, as grim as it may sound initially, God is bringing revival within this broken land! All across this zone, a movement is happening in the midst of great persecution and extreme spiritual warfare. 

DCPI leaders regularly meet in destination countries with leaders of the NAMES world zone in order to train them in DCPI materials. In a world zone that’s facing darkness and chaos, DCPI-trained leaders are planting churches and bringing the gospel. In spite of all the opposition, Jesus is making His Name known in NAMES!

Some of the leaders making waves in NAMES for God’s glory are Alex and Diana, a husband and wife church planting duo, who received training through DCPI a few years ago, and they have been actively working with their team to plant churches and bring outreach to the communities they serve. 

Recently, Alex shared with DCPI’s central team the benefits he and Diana have experienced in their ministry after being equipped with DCPI’s church planting training: “I myself have been a business coach for over 10 years. I have attended many training sessions, but it’s DCPI’s training that has become fundamental to our work and has helped us to build a real ministry in NAMES.”

For more than two years now, Alex and Diana have focused on vulnerable places, reaching the poor, the orphans, the widows, the lonely, the sick, the old, and the struggling. In their ministry, they pray for them, provide them with clothes, food and medicine, and share the Good News with them. 

DCPI’s training has been extremely beneficial in these more specialized sorts of ministry needs. 

Some of which have included: facilitating camps for orphans, ministering to women suffering from domestic violence, and serving the extremely isolated villages by delivering the Gospel to them in their heart language. As a result of the team going into each village with the mindset to serve them in their individual need, they have found the people to be extremely open to Salvation!

But, why focus on smaller communities? Diana shared, “Many want to work in cities, but our work is more visible in the small settlements, auls and villages. Over the last year in working in these communities, we can already see how God is moving. Our team has grown and now other churches and denominations have joined us. DCPI training equipped us for this Kingdom work.”

In the 2 years since Alex and Diana’s training, God has brought the harvest. They attribute the fruits they are witnessing to the outreach their team provides, and also to their goal of establishing at least one “house of peace” in each of the villages they go to. This “house of peace” serves as a refuge where people in the village who are thirsty for the Gospel can come and receive fellowship.

Alex and Diana reflected:  “To be honest, a sheet of paper is not enough to describe how much evidence God allows us to see in serving people! All we want to say is that we are Christ’s servants. We do what we must! And we lay all the fruits at the feet of our Lord. Many thanks to DCPI and Scott for their contribution to the revival in NAMES!

It’s couples like Alex and Diana that are the hands and feet of the Dynamic Church Planting ministry. Indigenous leaders that have been equipped with DCPI’s training to mobilize their teams, plant churches, and share the Gospel in the most effective way they know how. They are helping bring the Five Million Church vision to fruition and you can, too!

Give $30 today to train a leader like Alex in the NAMES world zone.