Praying for West Africa
" …Remember that at that time you were separate from Christ, excluded from citizenship in Israel and foreigners to the covenants of the promise, without hope and without God in the world. But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far away have been brought near by the blood of Christ."
Ephesians 2:12-13
The West Africa world zone is rich in diversity. As you go about the region, you will hear trade languages of French, Portuguese, Spanish and English spoken. You can imagine explorers and traders in that region of the world many years ago, seeking the vast riches found here. While there is so much beauty and many riches, this area faces the challenges of corruption, civil unrest and religious conflict.
We are thankful for our gracious and humble leaders in this part of Africa who have trained DCPI materials to leaders in each of the 20 countries in this zone. Over 5,000 were trained last year and there are plans to train just over that number in 2023. As they continue to train leaders in their region, we are blessed to have our brothers and sisters there embracing our orality training which focuses on equipping the oral learners of the world. Did you know 60% of the world’s population are considered oral learners?
Revival is happening in countries like Nigeria where they are experiencing the most extreme persecution!
DCPI Central staff and West African leaders held the third Church Planting Essentials- Orality (CPE-O) training event with the dream and vision of seeing orality training being used throughout the region. They long to see Bible stories shared to reach new communities as well as to be used to disciple leaders to new levels of maturity. Let’s become master storytellers for Jesus!
There are a number of new church plants throughout the West Africa region. Exciting stories of lives changed are coming from Sierra Leone, Ghana, Nigeria and Guineau Conakry! Muslims are coming to faith and remaining faithful in spite of family pressure, men are set free from alcohol addiction, women are set free from demonic oppression, miracles are happening daily, with men being trained to be pastors and leaders of the church.
Churches in areas of West Africa where intense persecution is happening, where civil unrest is happening or places on the verge of unrest breaking out. Pray for peace to replace constant fighting. May the followers of Jesus cling strongly to Him.
Due to a recent motor accident of the wife of one of our trainers, training needed to be rescheduled/postponed/redistributed throughout West Africa. Please pray for healing for this leader’s wife, rescheduling of training as well as protection for all of our leaders and their families.
We continue to seek quality leaders with bold vision to plant churches in West Africa. May God open up avenues of more resources and funds to see vital training happen throughout the region, where just $30 provides training for one leader.