Living Out the Mentoring Culture

Leadership expert Peter Drucker once said that the four hardest jobs in America (and not necessarily in order, he added) are the President of the United States, a university president, a CEO of a hospital and a pastor.

At DCPI we work with church planters in 175 countries of the world and as we talk with them, we realize the high calling and the difficult work you are pursuing as a church planter.

I love you and our DCPI Central Team is praying for you!

It is clear to us that every church planter needs a mentor.  “A mentor is someone who has been where you want to go and is willing to help you get there.”

In Asia, South East Pacific, our World Zone Leader John Bond and his team live out the mentoring culture that is so needed in church planting movements. John invests his life into leaders like Daron Crothers and in turn Daron invests his life into leaders who are mentoring church planters all over their world zone.

This mentoring culture is changing lives!

In Yangon, Myanmar there is a young man who was once a Buddhist but has now turned his life over to Christ. He shares that before he became a believer he worried a lot about his life and what would happen to him after he died. But now he has hope in Christ and is thankful for God’s mercy and His salvation. 

The way that this young man became a Christian was through the life of his friend who invited him to attend a Christian seminar with him. After hearing the gospel and considering the message for three months, the young man decided to follow Jesus as his Lord and Savior.

Although this decision caused him to be rejected by his relatives, he is being embraced by his new community of faith. Today, this young man is growing spiritually, and he rejoices in his salvation.

The mentoring culture which started with John Bond to Daron Crothers to other leaders to his friend and his new pastor and now to him has changed this young man’s life.

The mentoring culture has empowered the church in Myanmar to help poor families in community. The church comforts those who are grieving. The church shares the good news of Jesus and stands beside men and women to encourage and support them.

Jesus said, “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another John 13:34-35.”

 I know that your calling as a church planter can be a challenging one, but I encourage you to press on and as you do intentionally love and mentor others.

Choose today to intentionally invest into someone. As you do this, the Lord will develop a mentoring culture that will allow you to see Him radically change lives forever.