A smiling man and woman standing outdoors, both wearing black shirts with the 'dcpi' logo. The man has short brown hair and glasses, and the woman has shoulder-length blonde hair and glasses. They are standing in front of a background featuring palm trees and greenery.

World Zone Leaders for North America

Lance and Janice Fricke

Lance and Janice Fricke are the World Zone Leaders for North America.

Lance and Janice have pioneered and pastored Triumphant Church in Iowa for over 30 years. They are married with one daughter and 2 grandchildren.

How did God call you to DCPI?

“We had planted 2 churches in Iowa and were stirred to plant more.

We felt God leading us to attend DCPI trainings where we really began to understand how to more effectively plant churches and inspire and train others.

As we acted on the assignments God gave us in prayer, we saw fruit and saw the initial vision begin to expand to see more churches and organizations become trained to plant more dynamic churches.”

What is your personal vision statement or life scripture?

Vision Statement: Our personal vision is to see God’s kingdom expanded locally in our Jerusalem, regionally in our Judea-Samaria and globally throughout the earth.

Life Scripture: Acts 1:8 “But ye shall receive power, when the Holy Spirit is come upon you: and ye shall be my witnesses both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea and Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.”

2 Corinthians 2:14“But thanks be unto God, who always leadeth us in triumph in Christ, and maketh manifest through us the savor of his knowledge in every place.”

What excites you about what God is doing around the world?

“Dynamic churches being planted excite us. It also is exciting to be part of a team that is reaching beyond denominations with the evangelistic call to make disciples through churches. Working together to do more for God excites us.“

What miracles have you seen God perform?

“We have personally witnessed the miracle of the new birth, lives transformed and healed through the Word of God being preached and acted upon through the work of the Holy Spirit. We have seen the miracle of restored lives, families, churches and communities changed by the Gospel.”

Most influential books or movies:

  • The Bible

  • Leadership books by John Maxwell

  • “Believer’s Authority” by Kenneth E Hagin

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