Middle-aged man with gray hair, wearing a blue checkered shirt and a dark suit jacket, smiling warmly, with a blurred indoor background.

Advancement Team Director

Jim Duggan

Jim joins DCPI from a sales management career focused on success through collaboration. He also has a passion for workplace ministry and collaborative lay ministry including Bible Study groups, short-term missions trips, church missions team, children’s and men’s ministries, crisis pregnancy and orphan/vulnerable children.

How did God call you to DCPI?

“I’ve supported three of the current team members for approximately 10 years. God used one of them to reach out to me and open my eyes to the possibility of joining the team.”

What is your personal vision statement or life scripture?

Psalm 121:1 – I look to the mountains, where does my help come from, my help comes from the Lord, maker of Heaven and Earth.

Romans 12:1-2 – Therefore, I urge you brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God – this is your true and proper worship. Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is – His good, pleasing and perfect will.

What excites you about what God is doing around the world?

“I am excited by the impact that we can have on equipping leaders to plant healthy and dynamic local congregations which are the most efficient tool for evangelism and discipleship. This is the only lasting way to battle sin and overcome its negative impacts.

Consequently, individuals transformed by believing in Jesus and listening to the Holy Spirit will transform families and communities.”

What miracles have you seen God perform?

“I’ve consistently seen immediate and miraculous answers to corporate and individual prayer from healings to divine appointments when there could be no other explanation.”

Most influential books or movies:

  • In His Steps (Charles Sheldon)

  • ScrewTape Letters, Mere Christianity and The Great Divorce (CS Lewis)

  • Team of Rivals (Doris Kearns Goodwin)

  • The Greatest Salesman in the World (Og Mandino)

  • Good to Great (Jim Collins)

  • How Now Shall We Live (Chuck Coalson & Nancy Pearcy)

  • “I Then Shall Live” (Lyrics by Gloria Gaither)

  • Safely Home (Randy Alcorn)

  • “The Chosen”

  • Left Behind series (TiFormm Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins)

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