January Prayer & Praise Update

Dear Prayer Partners,

Aren’t we blessed to be in relationship with our God, a loving and gracious Father, who

longs for relationship, who shares His heart for the world with us and invites us to join

Him in what He is doing?

What better way to start the year than with the heart posture of Jesus? Let’s join Jesus

in praying:

“‘Father, hallowed be your name, thy Kingdom come,

 thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.”

Luke 11: 2

God moves mightily when His people pray! While we pray for you, thank you for joining

us each month as we praise the Lord for His faithfulness and lift our requests to Him.

We are PRAISING GOD for:

1- In 2021, difficult-to-reach countries like Afghanistan, Turkmenistan and Qatar now

have certified trainers that can begin training others in their countries! Most of these

leaders had to be trained outside of their home countries for security reasons.

2- Actual number of leaders trained in East and South Africa has far exceeded their

expectations for 2021! At the end of the 3rd quarter, they have surpassed the goal by

double. Along with this, 933 leaders were certified and equipped to turn around and

lead training in their networks.

Let us LIFT OUR REQUESTS to God for:

1- An increasing number of leaders trained each year with our goals set for 72, 000

leaders to be trained worldwide in 2022. DCPI continues to train in person, via

webinar, online training and combinations of all of these modes.

2- Training to begin in the remaining 33 countries that have yet to be introduced to

DCPI training.