January 27: Health & Prayer Update from Paul Becker

Here is a message from Cathy Becker regarding Paul’s health. Would you please join us in praying for Paul?

Dear Friend,

Thank you so much for praying for my healing.  I did receive some good news about my liver cancer on Monday.   

First, let me encourage you to watch one of the best bible messages I have ever experienced on YouTube titled “Jesus the Physician” by Robert Morris. Principles from this message:

  • Jesus is the same, yesterday today and forever.  Hebrews 13: 8.
  • Jesus healed all who came to him and some who didn’t.
  • No need to ask Him if He is willing.  Jesus IS willing to heal you and me. 
  • Because I am a sinner who has placed his faith in Jesus my sins are forgiven and I am saved by grace through faith.
  • I will be healed by grace through faith.
  • Yes, I am a saved sinner.  I am bad enough to be healed.

My Radiologist told us that when he places radioactive beads in my liver tumor, that there is a 75% chance that this will heal the liver cancer if the tumor is contained.

My Oncologist told us the lung cancer has spread to the pleura, the lining around the lungs, which is very serious.  She will use targeted immunotherapy and probably chemo treatments against the lung cancer in coming months.

Please pray that God will:

  1. Protect and care for my wife and family and the DCPI Team worldwide.
  2. Heal Paul completely in the land of the living.
  3. Guide that Radiologist to successfully place the radiation beads in my liver tumor and completely kill the cancer and heal my liver.  February 9 
  4. Amaze our doctors when Jesus completely removes all the lung cancer from my body and help them come to Christ!
  5. Cause the procedure I am doing this Friday, January 28, to be completely benign.

I am so grateful for your prayers.  God is on the move!

Paul Becker

President and Founder, DCPI