
Hearing God in the Noise in India×444.jpg

Unlike the laid-back lifestyle we are accustomed to in the U.S., where vacations are commonplace, India is a culture known for an extremist view of the “hustle & bustle” way of life.

Take Janaman from New Dehli for example, who up until his first DCPI training had never taken time away from his work or family for any purpose.

It wasn’t until a session during Church Planting Essentials training titled, “Prayerful Planning” (where trainees are taught the vital role that prayerful time with the Lord plays in their ministry), that Janaman was challenged for the very first time to consider taking time away to hear from God.

Janaman was so moved by this radical change in thinking that he set out to discover what the Father could reveal to his own heart through this practice.

Immediately following the training Janaman successfully planned and completed his first solo time withdrawing away to be with the Savior.

This life altering experience was palpable even from thousands of miles, as Janaman shared with our team how once away from all the noise, he was refreshed and able to hear more clearly from God than ever before.

It was during this time that the Lord gave Janaman a new vision of training 350 leaders in church planting over the next year.

This one specific change will now ripple across Janaman and all those he touches through his ministry.

He now plans regular time away in prayer to allow the Lord to speak into all that he does to advance the Kingdom forward equipping leaders to plant churches!

Until the whole world knows Him,

Dr. Paul Becker
President and Founder