Middle-aged man with curly dark hair, wearing a blue blazer over a light blue shirt, smiling warmly with an outdoor background featuring trees and a building.

Director of Prayer

Gerry Schmidt

Gerry spent 30 years as a software sales engineer in North America and Europe before hearing God’s clear call to DCPI. Married to Debbie, “a gift too wonderful for words,” together they have three children in the launching years en-route to empty nesting.

How did God call you to DCPI?

“My call to DCPI developed over several years of God’s closing doors on my prior career and hinting at “God is doing a new thing” in my life and the world. I had known Scott Kirk for several years and through casual conversation the path to DCPI Director of Prayer opened up. With serious prayer and consideration eventually my wife and I were in agreement that this is God’s call and our desire.”

What is your personal vision statement or life scripture?

Phillipians 1:6 “being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.”

For 30 plus years various iterations of personal mission/vision statements seemed to fall short of my hopeful ideals.
These days I’ve settled on a desire to be growing and authentic with people and with God accepting the reality of good and bad in myself and the world.
While nurturing my relationships with God and people I have seen Him work His good work in me and through me to others.
If I can stay this course I will consider my life well lived.

What excites you about what God is doing around the world?

“I am most excited about participating in God’s work to save the world especially at this time. Strongholds of evil are coming down and the church of Jesus Christ is rising up. DCPI plays a critical role in calling and equipping God’s laborers in this great work. Very exciting!”

What miracles have you seen God perform?

“Miracles large and small, obvious and subtle I have seen over the years. I have seen addicts set free, life from certain death and financial provision to name a few.”

Most influential books or movies:

  • “Boundaries,” by Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend is foundational to understanding who God made people to be and how to keep growing to maturity.

  • “Shattered Dreams,” by Larry Crabb helped me process and accept God’s love in the midst of tremendous pain and loss.

  • “Destined for the Throne,” by Paul E. Billheimer gives vision to grander than we can imagine reality of prayer as power on earth and training for eternity with Christ.

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