Fireside Chat November
FSC 2020-09 blog

A few weeks ago, tragedy struck Nice, France, when an Islamic extremist stabbed three people to death in Notre Dame Basilica. We are horrified at this dark act of hate, but not in despair.  For there is also light and life in Nice because of Jesus. Let me share some really great news.

Just a few miles away, one of our leaders, Pastor Philippe, and his church recently celebrated new life with 13 baptisms! Over the course of 5 weeks this fall, Pastor Philippe and his team baptized these new believers in the Mediterranean Sea, in swimming pools, and in bathtubs around the community! With great joy, people throughout Nice are hearing and believing in the Good News of Jesus Christ! No act of hate can overcome the act of love that Jesus showed when he died on the cross for us!

It is stories like this that continue to make me so passionate about what we do at Dynamic Church Planting International. Without the Church, the world is so dark and lost. But Jesus built His Church to be the light of the world, to show His love to our communities, even when all around us is darkness and hate.

This Thanksgiving, we are thankful for YOU. We are thankful that we can provide church planter training through your sacrificial gifts, so that no one who is called to church planting has to go at it alone! With our dynamic and practical training, leaders become equipped to plant  – or re-plant as is the case with Pastor Philippe – so that their churches can be healthy, vibrant, and long-lasting! 

The world needs the lasting love of Jesus to take root in the hearts of people and transform their communities, so that when tragedies befall them, hope surrounds them.

We would love to have you join us in this important transforming work of Jesus through new churches. The most powerful way you can get involved is to give this holiday season! We need your help to finish the training of leaders to plant the first million churches of the five million church vision.  Would you make a special gift to DCPI before the end of the year?  Please give today!