Fireside Chat - Next Steps

Fireside Chat – Next Steps

Hi, I’m Paul Becker, President and Founder of Dynamic Church Planting International.  DCPI.

Greetings in the Name of our Beloved Jesus! I pray that you, your family, your friends, your church are all taking your next steps to follow Jesus!

This month at DCPI, we are encouraging Next Steps. God is a Next Steps God. He leads his followers from the moment of faith in Jesus to a life of adventure following Him!

Today I’m sharing a story of one of the great church planting movement leaders of our day, our World Zone Leader for the Indian Ocean. Because India is a dangerous country for Christians, I won’t be sharing his real name.

Pastor Arjun leads a church planting movement in India.  He saw God help thousands of people take their next steps in India.   Last October, Pastor Arjun’s movement held a mass baptism celebration.  They saw 5,027 people get baptized in one day!  Wow!!!  It was a party of biblical proportions!

Well God didn’t stop at that! During the Coronavirus, Arjun and his team of church planters pivoted their efforts toward training more leaders. Arjun and Senior Master Trainers from the USA are equipping three large leadership networks in Gujarat, India to plant house churches via Live Stream Webinars!

From leading people to Christ, to baptizing them, to preparing new leaders to disciple them, God is leading our Indian leaders on next step after next step.

We believe God is leading all of our DCPI family members… like you… in their next steps.

So, my question for you today is- what’s your next step?

Maybe it’s talking to a friend about Christ. Is it going through a DCPI training? Perhaps it’s making a financial gift to DCPI. Or possibly it’s joining our DCPI volunteer team, so you can help us disciple precious people worldwide.

Now is the time to volunteer at DCPI!  We need your gifts and abilities. Thank you for faithfully investing in the Kingdom of God with your finances!

Now is the time to be generous to grow God’s Kingdom through DCPI.  Please consider a gift today! Whatever your next step, we pray God will lead you forward day by day.

Until the whole world knows Jesus!

May God bless you and yours!