Find God's Vision for Your Life!

Answering the Boss’s Call – In the Philippines

God’s calling on our lives is rarely convenient, but it is ALWAYS life-changing! Today hear how a couple made real change in their community by taking their eyes off their own vision to answer “the Boss’s Call.”

At DCPI, we teach 12 Biblical Principles to all of our Church Planting Essentials trainees. One of these principles is “The Boss Principle” — the idea that Jesus is the boss of His Church.

THE BOSS PRINCIPLE: Christ is Lord of church planting, and He has a vision for your new church.

Because Jesus is the Lord of church planting, He often calls people to take uncomfortable steps of faith to follow Him and see His power at work in their lives and their communities. Though it may be inconvenient, following the Boss’s call is always life-changing!

When our Boss calls, we should take the call. 


That’s what happened to a young couple named Edwin and Rachel from Labo, Camarines Norte, Philippines. They were youth leaders at their home church.

Edwin loved his church, and he didn’t have a vision for church planting. But, Edwin was asked to attend a NexGen Challenge training eight hours from his town. Though he wasn’t interested in making the long journey… he listened to God’s call and went anyway.