Dynamic Update - Mali
Blog Post (1)

A Transplant of Seedlings


Abandon Jesus or be abandoned by your husband?

Fatoumata receives threats from her husband on a regular basis for attending a Christ centered church. It’s a price she’s willing to pay for her relationship with Jesus.

Her husband is a renowned Muslim in the community and is outraged by her commitment and involvement in church. Although he has not yet divorced her, his outrage results in regular beatings each Sunday after service.

Stories like this are reported all over the country of Mali from precious people following Christ.

With this level of persecution, church planting leaders have to be boldly strategic to receive the training needed for Kingdom growth.

One DCPI training took place in Burkina Faso, a neighboring country, to help committed leaders fulfill their visions to reach their country for the Lord.

What a joy it was to equip and encourage 11 Mali leaders in a safe location and send them back encouraged with plans of how to reach their fellow countrymen with strategic house church planting!

These leaders returned encouraged and equipped with new strategies proven extremely useful. Due to the high level of persecution, church plants in Mali have to take on a different look from that of your typical church.

One trainee uses his garden business as a front for his church plant. Since his entire village, as well as many travelers, come to him for produce, it’s his opportunity to teach the Word.

Another trainee leads his church plant under the trees near a river where church baptisms are performed.

Despite the unique look of these church plants, what they are accomplishing in hearts remains the same.

These transplanted seedlings from the DCPI training are taking root, cultivating more church plants for the people of Mali to grow into mature disciples of Jesus.

Until the whole world knows Him,

Dr. Paul Becker

President and Founder