What is the DCPI Pitch Deck?
the dcpi system of church planter training for your church planting movement

What is the DCPI Pitch Deck?

At DCPI Central, in the United States, we have been working at organizing DCPI training into an entire system, so that our partners who use our training within their movements can be even more effective.

In order to communicate the benefits of the New DCPI System, we have put together a “Pitch Deck”–a presentation that you can print or use digitally to explain how DCPI works and how we can help church planting movements accelerate.

Check out this video that walks you through the entire Pitch Deck, so you can start using it in partner conversations today! 👊

Here are some things you’ll love about the pitch deck! 👇

1. Clear description of a DCPI church

In the Pitch Deck, you’ll find slides that explain the definition of a church. At DCPI, it’s not enough just to plant churches, we want to be training leaders to plant HEALTHY, REPRODUCTIVE, and DYNAMIC churches. This means, we teach our church planters to be ever-innovating to reach their communities with the Good News about Jesus. If something is “dynamic,” it can never die. It ever-evolves to stay relevant and life-changing for its community.

2. Clear picture of DCPI’s training tracks

DCPI offers 8 training tracks. Up until this point, we have always offered our training tracks as individual options. Many people attended more than one training track, but our presentation of them was more of a menu–where people could choose one that they wanted to take. Now, the training tracks fit within the entire DCPI system, so leaders can see how each training track applies to them within their context and their church planting movement. That means, the training tracks’ objectives are clearer.

3. Clear picture of our relationship with CPMs

Our primary focus, in using this Pitch Deck, is on church planting movement leaders. Church planting movements will each receive a customizable church planting training plan that’s relevant to their context and leadership structure. In the flywheel graphic, the movement leader and trainers are all at the center of the circle. Our goal is to place ourselves beside our movement leaders, helping them to keep their training system going, so they can continue to accelerate the number of church plants in their movement. This calls for a longer-term relationship with our movement leaders, and it calls for us to engage them deeper in the ongoing work of getting their leaders trained. We are like a coach cheering them on, as they build their movement.

4. It’s a new way of communicating

You’ll notice in the Pitch Deck, that most of the language is “you-focused.” That means that we are doing less talking about how great we are at DCPI and more about how we want to help our partners dream bigger. We’ve included actual images of our trainings. We’ve included a lot more color. We’ve included a lot more talking about the other person, and our goal is to adhere to the concept of StoryBranding by Donald Miller. We want to talk to them as the hero of their story, and we are the compassionate coach who comes alongside them to help them get to their goals. This way of communicating is more in-line with who we are at DCPI, anyway. We are a group of individuals around the world who want to see their visions come true in Jesus’ name!

5. Regular updates to the Pitch Deck

We are releasing the Pitch Deck for the first time in fall 2023. Our primary objective in Q4 is to receive feedback about the Pitch Deck and the DCPI system, so we can make it as helpful as possible for our leaders around the world. As we receive this feedback, we plan on releasing regular updates, so be sure to check back here and on our resources page for the most updated version.

Download Your Copy of the Pitch Deck Today!

Start using the Pitch Deck Today:

Here is a quick checklist to get you started with using the DCPI Pitch Deck today. Remember, we are using this primarily to attract new partners, but this can also be used in donor conversations and more!