Smiling man with short, light-colored hair, wearing a light shirt with a dark strap over his shoulder, standing outdoors with a blurred background of trees and lights

World Zone Leader for Asia (Southeast, South Pacific)

Daron Crothers

Daron serves as the World Zone Leader for Southeast and South Pacific Asia where he networks and coordinates to provide effective church planting training for thousands of leaders throughout the region.

About Daron

Daron is married to Mel with two children, Tayah and Joel. As the World Zone Leader for Asia South East Pacific, he serves to coordinate the effective mobilisation of our Country Directors, Senior Master Trainers, Master Trainers and Certified Trainers across the 32 nations. Based in Perth, Western Australia, Daron serves as a fellow church planter having planted 8 churches as well as serving as the team leader of Lifestreams Global Family, a Church planting movement of 365+ churches across 7 nations. He has worked as a professional musician as a saxophonist and pianist but is most passionate about seeing thousands and thousands of churches planted to Christ’s glory.

How did God call you to DCPI?

In 2009, when DCPI came to Perth, Australia to train CPE, I concluded that this was the best training I had ever been involved in. I reflected to Mark Williams at the time, (who certified Daron as a new trainer), that I believe the Lord was calling me to plant. In May 2012, I completed the Churches Planting Churches training under Dr John Bond and Bishop Francis Kamau. On the second day of training, I had an overwhelming and defining moment with the Lord and made a prayerful commitment to the Lord to devote my 40 years to church planting.

In July 2012, John Bond authorised Daron as a DCPI Master Trainer and then the DCPI Australian Director thereafter.

The Greater Church Planting call to DCPI

In 2012-2013, I went on a two 3-day retreats to Cervantes, Western Australia and followed the principles outlined in Paul Becker’s publication of how to experience an effective retreat. On the second day of my retreat, I took time out to visit the pinnacles which was a 10 minute drive from where I was staying. I had never seen the pinnacles before and I spent many hours in the reserve. The pinnacles are unique rock formations that congregate together as shown in the photos.

This is what the Lord put in my heart those days:

  • As soon as I stepped foot on the reserve, I had an overwhelming sense that I was standing on holy ground. The presence of God was intense and joyful, an experience I will not forget.

  • As I walked I began to sense that the Lord was prompting me about that many many churches were being represented in the pinnacle formations. He was leading me to see that each pinnacle represented a new church plant.

  • I believe the Lord asked me ‘What do you see?’ I saw hundreds and hundreds, perhaps even thousands of these pinnacles. In the moment it sensed the Lord say strongly ‘Plant 1000 churches’ – this is his vision. I was immediately taken aback.

  • I found myself associating the larger pinnacles as mother churches and the smaller ones as daughter churches.

  • Upon feedback from my beloved World Zone leader at the time John Bond, he shared the 1000 church vision was too small and send me back to pray again on a second retreat. My big question was: how many pinncacles. I went into the on site store and asked the question. This time, I learned that through google mapping, there were over 150,000 Pinnacles but there were many more that remained buried that will emerge over time. In many ways it was impossible to know how many.

  • Upon my return to Perth, I shared with John Bond the vision of 150,000+++ and to my surprise, he said “that’s more like it”

I believe the church planting the Lord was showing me was very much aligned to the vision of DCPI. I have always said Jesus changed my life and Jesus used DCPI to change the course of my ministry.

What is your personal vision statement or life scripture?

Ever since I started in ministry, I have always been committed to “calling the whole world to the wholehearted worship of Christ” (a paraphrase taken from Gerrit Gustafson).

To plant, equip and train leaders to plant 150,000+++ churches for the glory of Christ.

What excites you about what God is doing around the world? It is a privilege and great honour to work with outstanding movement leaders who God is using in amazing ways. It excites me to see how the Lord is quickening the hearts of men and women who take ownership to train many leaders in DCPI materials. At the same time, I love seeing a leader, maybe even considered ordinary by the world’s standards, become activated and called by God to plant 1,2 or even 10 churches that reach many for Christ. It is a joy to see the Lord use people from all walks of life and challenges to plant dynamic churches for Him.

What miracles have you seen God perform?

Many miracles especially in our church planting work. Two come to mind. I remember my daughter Tayah at 2 years of age had been suffering a stomach complaint. The leaders of the Church anointed her with oil and prayed for her. She was healed on the spot. Praise the Lord.

I remember being called to the hospital late at night. A lady who was pregnant with her child had been in a really bad car accident and the belt had cut off the blood supply to the baby. The baby’s heartbeat was very low and difficult to detect via the ultrasound. Medical doctors were saying the baby had to be delivered now to give him the best chance of survival but even that chance of survival was very low. The mother was very distraught and didn’t know what to do. I was a young minister at the time, had no idea what to do but we began to pray. We were also aware that many from the church were praying and even people from Russia were lifting the baby to the Lord. As we prayed, I asked the mother to place her hands on her unborn baby and my friend and I began to pray. We asked God to raise up this baby. After praying, the Mother immediately said I know what I need to do now. I am not delivering this baby tonight, this baby will be born naturally and normally. I said Ok, tell me more. She said “As we were praying, the baby began kicking in my tummy and I have taken that as a sign the Lord is over the life of my unborn child. To the dismay of the doctors, she held her course. A few months later, we celebrated the new born baby, free of any disability or issues as a result of the accident. And we dedicated the new baby to the Lord in front of the congregation sharing this amazing testimony. It closest thing I have seen to a resurrection miracle.

Most influential books or movies?

  • E.M. Bounds on Prayer

  • Surprised by Hope – N.T. Wright

  • Great Southland Revival by Kurt Mahlburg & Warwick Marsh

  • God’s Empowering Presence by Gordon Fee

  • The Passion

  • Schindler’s List

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