Powerful Prayer

Powerful Prayer

Powerful PrayerScott Kirk
Published on: 03/11/2024

As a church planter, you may feel like you need many things. You probably want a great meeting place, people to help you set up chairs in that great meeting place, lots of people to sit in all the chairs that you set up, and of course you want just a little more (or a lot more) money. But what you need most of all, is prayer!

Church Planting Article
Balance in Church Planting

Balance in Church Planting

Balance in Church PlantingScott Kirk
Published on: 31/10/2024

Living a life in balance can be difficult…especially for church planters! These are 3 important lessons that I’ve learned along the way.

Church Planting Article
The Value of a Team

The Value of a Team

The Value of a TeamScott Kirk
Published on: 31/10/2024

What is one piece of advice you wish you would have heard before you planted your church?

Church Planting Article
Who do you need to mentor?

Who do you need to mentor?

Who do you need to mentor?Scott Kirk
Published on: 31/10/2024

The apostle Paul wrote to his protégé Timothy and challenged him with the assignment of passing on the things he’d learned to people who could teach them to others. Essentially, Paul’s assignment to Timothy was to mentor others, so the message of Jesus could spread.

Church Planting Article

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