Chris and Carole McKinney served for 24 years as missionaries to the Philippines. Their team's vision was to establish a cluster of churches in the Ilocos/Cordillera region that would serve as a sending base for Filipino missionaries and church planting. During that time, Chris helped establish Philippine College of Ministry and taught New Testament at Alliance Graduate School. The McKinneys have four children and six grandchildren so far; two of their children and their families work overseas as missionaries.
Chris serves as the Vice President of Impact and Insights, where he leads the teams that provide administrative and logistical support to all DCPI staff and volunteers. Chris oversees the Central office, the Human Resources team, the Ministry Partner Development team, and the new Impact and Insights team.
“I was invited to join the DCPI headquarters staff in 2008. Carole and I had just decided to return to the USA from the Philippines in order to take care of our parents, but hadn’t told anyone yet.
Over the following weeks God made it clear to Carole and I that this would be the perfect fit for our gifts, passions, training, and experience.”
Life Scripture: Ephesians 4:11-12 – I have been guided in my life and ministry by this verse, believing that Christ sovereignly prepares each of us for a unique role in building up the church. As I learn how Christ is working in me, I find direction and purpose which has led to a fulfilled life.
Romans 8:29 – This is where I take great encouragement from and the knowledge that in spite of my ups and downs in life my ultimate destiny is to be like Jesus.
“When I experienced DCPI training for the first time I saw “obvious” ways I could have avoided land mines, improved my success rate as a church planter, or planted churches that were more dynamic.
So what excites me most about what God is doing through DCPI is the way this tremendous curriculum is being multiplied–the way experienced church planters are being equipped to teach church planting to others in their own culture.”
"My favorite miracle I’ve seen God perform over and over: God’s Spirit transforms a group of ordinary people and out of that comes something much greater than the sum of its parts. Any congregation of Christians contains amazing power–God’s power that transforms lives in all kinds of ways. Some of the “little” miracles I’ve seen in the process include physical healings, deliverance from alcoholism, restored marriages, and the breaking of spiritual strongholds.”
“Understanding Church Growth” by Donald A. McGavran
“The Making of a Leader” by Robert Clinton
“Please Understand Me” by David Keirsey and Marilyn Bates
“The Bondage Breaker” by Neil T. Anderson
“Christian Origins and the Question of God” an incomplete magnum opus of N. T. Wright
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