Village in Nepal comes to Christ! [Video Story]
FSC 2020-09 blog

YouTube video

Greetings in the Name of our Beloved Jesus! 

How did an entire village of Buddhists come to know Jesus?

Pastor Sagar was born in a small, remote village in the mountains of Nepal called Kavre. The Tamang people living there were all Buddhists and had never heard about Jesus before. Pastor Sagar grew up, moved away, and became a Christ follower, but he had no desire to plant churches. 

Eventually, he attended our Church Planting Essentials training, and God completely redirected his life. At our training, God called Pastor Sagar back to Kavre to tell his people about Jesus. 

The village had never had a Bible-teaching church before, and Pastor Sagar knew the incredible transformation a dynamic church could bring to this community. These people were facing poverty, disease, and an extreme need for education for its women and children.

After praying and assembling his team of evangelists, Pastor Sagar returned to his birthplace and shared the Gospel with the Village Chief. God moved! The Village Chief accepted Christ, and his testimony rippled out to the rest of the village. Because of God’s transformation in his life, the rest of the village came forward, wanting to follow Jesus Christ!

But the story doesn’t end there! Pastor Sagar planted a church to help these new brothers and sisters in Christ grow in faith. Praise God, we are already hearing about God’s work in this community. There is a new school for the children and a skills training program for the women! 

Just think! All this fruit came from one leader being trained with DCPI. 

Imagine the possibilities if we can train leaders in every country of the world. Well the Lord has favored DCPI to train leaders in 163 countries of the world. God’s vision for DCPI is to train leaders in every country of the world, even the hard ones like Somalia and North Korea. We still have 42 countries left to open with DCPI training. 

Would you prayerfully consider a monthly gift of $30 to provide training for leaders like Pastor Sagar in the remaining 42 countries? Just Click Here to Give

… and may God bless you. 

Until the whole world knows Him!